The following list is a general guide to plant selection for various light and moisture conditions. Soil type and many other factors will affect plant survivability.
Dry, well drained soils | May have low moisture content in summer. |
Medium - Moist | Soil moisture available all year. (Normal riparian soils). |
Moist - Wet | Soil is moist in summer. May have standing water part of the year. |
Wet poorly drained soils | Standing water for most of the year. |
Sun | Full sun areas only. |
Sun Part shade | Sunny or partly shady area. |
Part shade Shade | Shady areas with little sun. |
Shade | Deeply shaded area. |
Common revegetation species are designated with an *
Trees: Arbutus - Arbutus menziesii Garry Oak - Quercus garryana Douglas Fir - Pseudotsuga menziesii* Shrubs: Ground Cover: Perennials:
Trees: Big Leaf Maple - Acer macrophyllum* Red Alder - Alnus rubra* Yellow Cedar - Chamaecyparis nootkatensis Sitka Spruce - Picea sitchensis* Trembling Aspen - Populus tremuloides Black Cottonwood - Populus trichocarpa Douglas Fir - Pseudotsuga menziesii Garry Oak - Quercus garryana Western Hemlock - Tsuga heterophylla* Shrubs: Ground Cover: Vines: |
Trees: Alnus rubra* Chamaecyparis nootkatensis Malus fusca* Populus tremuloides* Populus trichocarpa* Rhamnus purshiana* Thuja plicata* Shrubs: Ground Cover: Wetland: Perennials: |
Trees: Populus tremuloides* Populus trichocarpa* Shrubs: Wetland: Perennials: |
Trees: Abies Grandis Pinus contorta contorta Pseudotsuga Menziesii* Shrubs: Perennial: |
Trees: Abies amabilis Abies Grandis Acer circinatum Acer glabrum Acer marcophyllum* Alnus rubra Chamaecypanis nootkatensis Cornus nutalii Fraxinus latifolia Picea sitchensis* Pinus contorta contorta Prunus emerginata Pseudotsuga menziesii* Taxus bevifolia Thuja plicata* Tsuga heterophylla* Tsuga mertensiana Shrubs: Wetland: Perennial: |
Trees: Abies Grandis Acer glabrum Acer marcophyllum* Alnus rubra* Fraxinus latifolia Pinus contorta contorta Shrubs: Wetland: Perennial: |
Shrubs: Menyanthes trifoliata Myrica gale Oenanthe samentosa Physocarpus capitatus Spirea douglasii Wetland: Perennial: |
Shrubs: Rhododendron macropyllum Ground Cover: Ferns:
Shrubs: Ledum groenlandicum Rhododendron macropyllum Ribes bracteosum Rubus parviflorus Vaccinium parvifolium Ferns: Ground Cover: Perennial: |
Shrubs: Ledum groenlandicum Ribes bracteosum Ferns: Ground Cover: Perennial: Wetland: |
Ferns: Blechnum spicant Adiatum pedatum Wetland: |
Ground Cover: Asarum caudatum |
Shrubs: Oplopanax horridus Ground Cover: |
Shrubs: Oplopanax horridus |
Suggestions for successful container planting:
1. Dig a hole slightly larger than the container size.
2. Fertilizer or bone meal may be added. Note: Some plants may not require fertilizer.
3. Mound soil around the plant to create a depression that will catch moisture.
4. Water in after planting.
5. Establish a watering schedule for the first year to allow the root system to establish.
6. Maintain plants by weeding to keep invasive species such as Himalayan Blackberry out.
7. Monitor plants for browse. If browse is excessive then apply a repellant.
Contact information:
Streamside Native Plants
7455 Island Highway West
Bowser, British Columbia
Canada, V0R 1G0
Phone/Fax: 250-757-9999
Toll Free: 877-570-3138
The nursery is located at 7455 Island Highway West (Highway 19A), Bowser, B.C. (click here for map)